
Samsung Unveils New 108MP, 64MP, 48MP, And 32MP Mobile Image Sensors - lononmarted1980

samsung new sensors

Samsung has distended its 0.7μm-Pixel ISOCELL Image Sensor range by announcing foursome unexampled camera sensors for a range of mobile applications. The lineup includes the 108MP ISOCELL HM2, the 64MP ISOCELL GW3, the 48MP ISOCELL GM5, and the 32MP ISOCELL JD1.

As per an official blog post, the new sensors are up to 15% smaller than the 0.8μm sensors of the same resolution and slim the height of the camera module by adequate to 10%, which should enable telephone set manufacturers to make slimmer, more streamlined handsets.

The unexampled sensors will also bring Samsung's ISOCELL 2.0 pixel technology that the keep company claims will appropriate enhanced performance despite the challenges with decreasing pixel sizes. To collect an good amount of light despite the moment picture element sizes, Samsung is victimisation the ISOCELL Positive and Impertinent-ISO technologies, optimized for 0.7μm.

"ISOCELL Plus retains the received light with a wall in-like structure around the pixel while Fashionable-ISO makes full utilization of the incoming light by intelligently adjusting the ISO accordingly for optimal exposure … The (ISOCELL 2.0) technology further enhanced the wall structure between cells, resulting in added light sensitivity of up to 12 percent compared to the current ISOCELL Plus technology", the company said in an formalized blog mail.

The HM2, GW3 and JD1 are currently in mass production whereas the ship's company is currently sampling the GM5. There's no word on when they will start showing up on smartphones, but let's hope that it happens sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, you fanny check out many information, including all the technical details more or less these modern sensors, on the official Samsung internet site.


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