
Can God Make A Rock He Cannot Lift

Can God make a rock so heavy He cannot lift information technology?

Many have asked if God, existence all-powerful, could create a stone and so heavy He could not lift it. If the answer is yeah, then He is not all-powerful because the rock would be stronger than God. If the answer is no, He is not anointed because there is something God could non do.

Nonetheless, this limited question fails to recognize that the reason God cannot create a rock then heavy He could not lift it is considering just He is all-powerful. He is the Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1). Therefore, all created things are under His ability and authorisation. God'southward unlimited, anointed ability means annihilation He creates would non be able to exceed His power. The very nature of a perfect God supersedes the power of annihilation that could be created.

Creating a rock and then heavy He could not lift it is one of a few things an all-powerful God cannot practice since information technology would violate His very nature and definition as God. God'southward omnipotence does not mean He tin can contradict Himself or perform logical impossibilities. For instance, God could not create something that existed before or after Him considering He is eternal. It would stand in contrast with His very nature. God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:two) because He is truth (John 14:half dozen). Truthfulness is function of His nature. God cannot create another mode to know God, because Jesus is the way (John fourteen:6). God cannot be tempted by evil (James i:13) because He would then showroom a sign of weakness and no longer exist anointed. God likewise cannot cease being God. He is eternal and by definition could not go finite (Psalm 90:2). 2nd Timothy 2:13 states that God cannot deny Himself.

Jesus taught, "with God all things are possible" (Matthew nineteen:26). Even so, this is limited to all things that do not violate the very definition and nature of who God is. This in no fashion makes God less than all-powerful. Instead, information technology clearly indicates the perfect attributes of God as all-powerful, righteous, and loving. Chore 37:23 interestingly notes, "The Almighty—we cannot find him; he is keen in power; justice and arable righteousness he will not violate." While this poetry is difficult to sympathize, it may refer to God not violating His perfect power, justice, and righteousness. As other places in Scripture clearly bespeak, God is perfect, reigns in full power, and oversees every activity in the universe as the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

Related Truth:

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Truth near God


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