
How To Make Your Baby Smart

I've explored the science behind what makes kids happier, what type of parenting works best and what makes for joyful families.

Merely what makes children — from babies upwards through the teen years — smarter?

Here are 10 things scientific discipline says can help:

i) Music Lessons

Patently and elementary: research show music lessons brand kids smarter:

In fact musical training helps everyone, young and old:

(More on what the music you love says almost you hither.)

ii) The Dumb Jock Is A Myth

Dumb jocks are dumb considering they spend more time on the field than in the library. But what if you brand sure your child devotes time to both?

Beingness in skilful shape increases your ability to learn. Later practice people selection upwardly new vocabulary words 20% faster.

Via Spark: The Revolutionary New Scientific discipline of Exercise and the Brain:

A 3 month exercise regimen increased bloodflow to the part of the brain focused on retentiveness and learning by 30%.

Via Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Do and the Encephalon:

(More on how exercise can make you lot and your kids smarter and happier here.)

3) Don't Read To Your Kids, Read With Them

Got a footling one who is learning to read? Don't let them but stare at the pictures in a book while y'all do all the reading.
Phone call attention to the words. Read with them, not to them. Enquiry shows it helps build their reading skills:

(More on things most parents do wrong here.)

4) Sleep Impecuniousness Makes Kids Stupid

Missing an hour of sleep turns a 6th grader's brain into that of a quaternary grader.

Via NurtureShock:

In that location is a correlation between grades and boilerplate amount of sleep.

Via NurtureShock:

(More than on how to sleep better here.)

v) IQ Isn't Worth Much Without Cocky-Discipline

Self-bailiwick beats IQ at predicting who volition be successful in life.

From Charles Duhigg's splendid volume The Power of Habit: Why Nosotros Do What We Practice in Life and Business organization:

Grades have more than to do with conscientiousness than raw smarts.

Via How Children Succeed: Grit, Marvel, and the Subconscious Ability of Character:

Who does best in life? Kids with grit.

Via Drive: The Surprising Truth Nearly What Motivates The states.

(More than on how to improve self-subject field hither.)

6) Learning Is An Active Procedure

Baby Einstein and braintraining games don't work.
In fact, in that location'south reason to believe they make kids dumber.

Via Brain Rules for Baby: How to Heighten a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five:

Real learning isn't passive, it's active.

What does Dan Coyle, author of The Talent Code recommend? Terminate merely reading and test yourself:

(More on how to teach your child to exist a difficult worker in school here.)

7) Treats Tin can Be A Skilful Thing — At The Right Time

Overall, it would exist ameliorate if kids ate healthy all the time. Research shows eating makes a departure in children's grades:

There are ever exceptions. No kid eats salubrious all the time. But the irony is that kids often get "bad" foods at the wrong time.
Research shows caffeine and carbohydrate tin be brain boosters:

They're also potent rewards kids love.

And so if kids are going to occasionally eat candy and soda maybe information technology'due south meliorate to give information technology to them while they study then when they're relaxing.

(More on the best way for kids to study hither.)

8) Happy Kids = Successful Kids

Happier kids are more likely to turn into successful, accomplished adults.

Via Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents:

And what's the first step in creating happier kids? Being a happy parent.

(More than on how to raise happy kids here.)

9) Peer Group Matters

Your genetics and the genetics of your partner have a huge outcome on your kids. But the way you heighten your kids?
Non nigh as much.

Via Malcolm Gladwell'southward The Tipping Signal: How Little Things Tin Make a Big Difference:

So what does have an enormous touch on your children's behavior? Their peer group.

We ordinarily only talk near peer pressure when it'southward a negative simply more often than non, it's a positive.

Living in a squeamish neighborhood, going to solid schools and making certain your children hang out with skilful kids can brand a huge difference.

What's the easiest way for a college student to better their GPA? Pick a smart roommate.

Via The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work:

(More on the how others impact your behavior without you realizing it here.)

10) Believe In Them

Believing your kid is smarter than average makes a difference.

When teachers were told certain kids were sharper, those kids did better — fifty-fifty though the kids were selected at random.

Via The Center of Social Psychology: A Backstage View of a Passionate Scientific discipline:

Sum Up

  1. Music Lessons
  2. The Impaired Jock Is A Myth
  3. Don't Read To Your Kids, Read With Them
  4. Sleep Impecuniousness Makes Kids Stupid
  5. IQ Isn't Worth Much Without Self-Discipline
  6. Learning Is An Active Process
  7. Treats Can Be a Skilful Thing — At The Right Time
  8. Happy Kids = Successful Kids
  9. Peer Group Matters
  10. Believe In Them

1 terminal note: Intelligence isn't everything. Without ethics and empathy actually smart people can be scary.

As P.J. O'Rourke one time said:

So if you want to learn how to enhance a happier child go here and a more well-behaved kid go here.

I hope this helps your child be brilliant.

Related posts:

Skillful Parenting Skills: 7 Research-Backed Ways to Raise Kids Right
How To Have A Happy Family – 7 Tips Backed By Enquiry
How To Raise Happy Kids – 10 Steps Backed By Science

This slice originally appeared on Barking Up the Wrong Tree. Join 45K+ readers. Get a free weekly update via email here.

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