What happens if you lot go bored of playing Minecraft? Modding is the answer! From cookies to rockets, mods alter annihilation and everything in the Minecraft game, merely wouldn't information technology be fun to create your own modern?

By post-obit these uncomplicated steps, y'all tin can get started on your own path to creating custom Minecraft mods.

Getting Started With MCreator

Advertised as "The Best Minecraft Modernistic Maker Ever," MCreator is a free tool for making your own Minecraft mods. Yous don't have to write any code---although you tin if you'd prefer to.

Get started by visiting the MCreator download page and downloading a version to match your current version of Minecraft.

The download page details which version of MCreator yous need, but if you lot're running Minecraft version one.12.2, then yous'll need MCreator version 1.7.9.

MCreator for Mac

Once you've called a version, go alee and download MCreator for your operating organization. The Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems are all supported.

If yous're running Windows, download and run the executable file (EXE). If you're using Mac or Linux, the installation is a bit tougher, but the MCreator installation guide contains detailed install steps.

Once upwards and running, MCreator will need a bit of fourth dimension to get things in order. It needs to download the Minecraft Forge Development Kit, and download dependencies and compile. This may take some time depending on your estimator and internet speed, but one time it's completed for the first time, it won't demand to do it again.

Launching the MCreator app

Once configured, MCreator will ask if you'd like to sign in with your Pylo account. Get ahead and press Skip if you lot don't accept i.

Everything is now set to become. The screen yous see is the chief card for MCreator. Y'all can import or export current settings, install mods developed by other people, or start writing your own mods.

The main screen in MCreator

Writing Your First Minecraft Mod

For this example mod, we're going to produce a super diamond ore, which volition produce a vast quantity of diamonds when mined, instead of the usual one or ii. Y'all might as well want to get inspired by some bang-up existing Minecraft mods.

To go started, you need a texture for your new cake. This is an image which defines what your cake looks like. This could be stone, wood, or any custom artwork. This instance will use the diamond ore, but you lot can use any art you lot want.

Build your first mod with MCreator

From the meridian of the main menu, select Tools. Choose Create item/block texture. This volition open the Texture Maker, where yous can create your own texture, based on existing Minecraft artwork.

Create textures in MCreator

The texture maker contains contains 4 layer controls. These allow you to choose artwork and a color, which all get combined into your last texture.

Minecraft textures have multiple layers

Except for Layer 1, the layer controls comprise the aforementioned three settings. From left to right, these are:

  1. Artwork selector: Use the drop downwardly menu or popout interface to select a slice of artwork.
  2. Color picker: Select the three dots to choose a color for this layer.
  3. Lock saturation and brightness: These limit the layer color brightness. Play effectually to see what you like.
MCreator displays a preview of the texture as you develop.

Once yous've designed your artwork, select Apply at the lesser, and then Block for the texture type. Cull Leave to get back to the Workspace page. The workspace page will now list your texture.

From the left hand carte of the Workspace tab, select Mod Elements. This is where you will create your modernistic using your texture.

Create a Minecraft mod in MCreator

Select the New mod chemical element button from the acme left, which looks like a large plus.

Mod elements should be given a descriptive name

This New mod element page may look overwhelming, simply it's a elementary tool to apply.

For Name of the element, enter a unique name. This isn't seen in Minecraft, it's used as an identifier in MCreator and the Minecraft code.

For the element type, y'all can cull what type your new element is. For this super diamond, the default of Cake will exercise. If you're working on a different modernistic, such as a mob, control, or tool, then select the appropriate type.

Select OK to get back to the Texture page. This is where you lot tin can assign your texture to the block, as well as configuring transparency, and the block dimensions.

Assign your texture to a Minecraft block

On the left is the Block textures area. The half-dozen squares stand for each side of your cake. Information technology'due south possible to utilise a unlike texture for each side, but for this example, they will all utilize the aforementioned texture.

Click each foursquare, choose your texture, and then press Ok. Leave all the other options at their defaults, and so choose Next.

Set properties for a custom Minecraft block

There are diverse settings on this screen but start with Name in GUI. This is the name of the block in your inventory. Any name volition do, only make certain it's descriptive. For this block, "super diamond" is a suitable name.

If y'all're not certain what a parameter does, select the small question mark next to the name. This will load the MCreator documentation.

To make this cake drop a different cake when mined, tick the box adjacent to Doesn't drop itself. Next to Cake that drops, printing the modest rectangle. This will load the Block/item selector. Use this card to search for and choose the block yous want to be dropped.

Configure how the Minecraft mod block appears in the game

Finally, change Driblet corporeality to a suitable number. Every bit nosotros desire the super diamond to yield a large number of diamonds, 10 is a good place to commencement.

Select Adjacent to go to the Particle settings. This is where you can change the block animation. Feel free to experiment here, but this isn't required for this super diamond modern.

Go out the Block's inventory settings at their default, and choose Adjacent. The Procedures page allows you to customize what happens when any event occurs involving this block. This isn't required for this mod, so printing the Next push.

Manage spawning properties for your Minecraft mod

Finally, the Block spawning/generation properties folio allows you lot to configure when, where, and how often your new cake spawns. If you'd like your modded block to spawn in the game, and then tick Generate in world.

The other settings can stay at their default values, or you can customize them to make your modded cake more or less mutual.

Exporting Your Minecraft Mod

One time you lot have produced your mod, you need to consign it set for Minecraft to use.

From the bottom left of the Workspace toolbar, choose the Export workspace into mod file button. This will bundle your mod upwards into its own parcel, ready for Minecraft to import. If yous modified more than 1 block, and so all will show upward in your modern.

When you're done, export the mod into Minecraft

Annotation: If y'all'd like to work on several mods at the same time, switch to a dissimilar workspace from the master card.

The Mod details menu provides options for packaging your mod. Yous can enter a proper name, a version, clarification, and creator details. Upload an prototype if you want to. The most important of these options is the File extension. Leave this on the default option of .JAR.

Specify meta data for the Minecraft mod

When you're gear up, printing Recompile and consign. This will bundle upward your mod, only it may take some time depending on your figurer, and the number of things you have changed.

The MCreator mod export screen

You will need to concord to the terms of utilize, simply one time compiled, finish up by choosing a location on your file system to store your completed mod.

Importing Minecraft Mods With Minecraft Forge

Now that your mod is complete, all that's left to exercise is import information technology into Minecraft.

To install this modernistic, or any other modernistic, you need to install Minecraft Forge. Forge provides a simple and piece of cake way to install custom mods into Minecraft itself.

From the Forge home page, download an installer suitable for your operating system and Minecraft version. Run the installer, and when prompted, choose Install client.

Make mod importing easy with Minecraft Forge

Once installed, launch or restart Minecraft. From the Minecraft Launcher, press the up pointer to the correct of the play push at the bottom. Select Forge. This will load Minecraft with Forge, so yous volition need to exercise this everytime you want to use your mod.

Launching Minecraft after installing Minecraft Forge

When in Minecraft, things will look different with Forge running. At that place'due south some actress text at the bottom, forth with a Mods push.

Cull the Mods push, and yous'll see that your mod is non visible. You need to install your modern into Forge/Minecraft. Installation involves copying and pasting your modern into the mods folder of Minecraft.

  • On Windows, this is in AppData/.minecraft/
  • On Mac, this is in Library/Application Support/minecraft/

You may need to restart Minecraft if y'all've pasted your mod while it is running. Enter the mods menu, and your mod will evidence up, complete with description, title, moving-picture show, and creator data. Well done!

Your mods now appear in Minecraft!

For this instance, the "super_diamond" is at present visible alongside all the other blocks.

Where Volition Your Minecraft Mods Take You lot?

Modding Minecraft is an splendid way to add some variety to the game, but information technology's even better if you make the mod yourself. Once y'all accept learned these bones building blocks, you can begin to make more complex mods.

If you'd like to keep customizing, accept a look at how to use command blocks in Minecraft. And if yous relish custom game content like this, you might have a express joy at some of the all-time video game glitches.

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